25 years of GCF - Booklet ready for download
GCF is happy to present the booklet "A Foundation for the Future: 25 Years of GCF". This publication tells GCF’s 25-year story in five-year segments, complemented by testimonies from some of the people who were involved in reaching this significant milestone. Please find the digital version of the booklet in the download section of the website. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.
About GCF
Shaping the industry since 1999 with mobile technology at its core, GCF today has over 350 members from the major mobile network operators, device manufacturers, and the test industry. Working collaboratively with key industry partners, GCF offers industry-relevant certification programmes which benefit billions of users worldwide.
GCF celebrates its 25th Anniversary in London
On September 25th, GCF marked its 25th Anniversary with an evening reception at the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in Savoy Place, London. The event was held alongside the 100th meeting of the GCF Steering Group, which was also taking place in London during the same week.
GCF Live Event on 9 July 2024
Webinar: How to get your product MCX certified
Learn how to get your product certified with GCF Mission Critical Services (MCX) Certification Program. Participants will get an overview of the GCF MCX certification framework and understand the step-by-step certification process, with the support of an Assessment Capable Entity (ACE) and a Recognised Test Organization (RTO). Click on the button to see the webinar.
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